Saturday, June 23, 2018


We American Christians have a weird relationship with controversy.  Though we are causing it all the time, publicly in the news or privately in our local groups, we are trained not to talk about it.  We are told by Ministry not to gossip, yet, when important issues come up, we have no instruction for addressing them if they are controversial. We have these sub cultural mores that tell us if we question something with too much emotion, especially if it is challenging something, even something bad, we have a "critical spirit," and are not contributing to the "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace," as Paul instructs us to in his letter to the Ephesians.  So, we Christians are trained not to talk publicly about anything too controversial, as it will "cause division."

What often happens, I've seen, is that we achieve a kind of surface-unity, while gossip remains rampant and controversial subjects are never really processed.  The preferred way of processing those things is to avoid talking about them, especially if they bring out emotion and disturb our "peace." If there are things you can't process well in a church, you either try to address them and are labeled as "critical" and not "submissive," and, possibly, told to leave. Or you leave yourself, because you just can't continue your authentic sense of Christianity and continue to "keep the peace." You have to ignore the cognitive dissonance that comes from pretending to be part of a group that doesn't want to process important things if they cause too much of a flurry. (Don't forget that being honest with yourself and others, is a fundamental Christian value!)

What if you had a family like that?  Or a marriage?  What?  No arguments?  Arguments can be productive. We learn from one another through them, if handled correctly. And handling them correctly and productively, as you find out once you are married to someone for more than a few days, does not cancel out the fact that emotions rage, on both sides of a subject, when those views are held passionately.  You don't divorce because you argue. You learn how to handle your emotions a little better.  You learn how not to be threatened by your partner's emotions.  You learn to listen beyond the emotions. You don't throw your spouse out because they are emotional about something, even if that something is as minor as how to squeeze the toothpaste.

One definition of trauma is a distressful experience which you don't have the internal or external resources to handle.  The experience isn't processed, and is so stored in our brains to be processed at a later time, which is the definition of Post Traumatic Stress.

Right now, members of the Christian Church in America are fighting.  It's obvious.  There is a great division, between the Christians who are devoted followers of Trump and those Christians who are not.

On one  perceived "side," you have a certain, valid, version of "love of Country," for whom so many died, whose foundation many believe was "Christian," conveniently omitting that there were a lot of non-Christian behaviors that were mixed with that founding.   (This is another thing about which American Christians have fought, and are fighting. My view is that being honest  about the sins that came in the name of Christianity does not have to cancel out our Christianity, or our love for our country.  But that is the subject for another blog) These people are fighting for the respect of Trump, and what they perceive is the lost American "greatness," which he has promised to restore.

On the other side are the Christians who often are labeled "Liberal Christians," those who are  perceived as always "crying" about compassion and kindness and who are viewed as "weak" by the Trump brand of Christian. The "Liberal" Christians are perceived of as guilty of not complaining harshly enough about abortion, being anti-war, believing in the results of academic study even if it challenges our current view of Scripture.  Liberal Christians would bake a cake for gay wedding partners.  They might even go to their wedding.  Some of them may feel that homosexuality can't be rigidly supported by Scripture, but, even then, they are welcoming to the LGBTQ community and, in general, aren't threatened by it. Oh, Liberal Christians tend to not like guns too much, though I'm sure many of them are avid hunters or law enforcement officers.

Speaking of threats, the Trump Christians are very threatened by the "Liberal" Christians.  They feel that if we followed the liberal "agenda," we will not only lose out Christian country, but we would slide right into Socialism/Communism/Marxsism.

"Liberal" Christians think that the Trump Christians are destroying our county, and the values we stand for.

How can this be?  Can both sides be destroying out country?  I'm not sure.


This is important!!!! Our country is being torn apart!!! Do you think that a family conflict would be solved by not talking about it!  Many a trauma has been caused, in families and in churches, and in many organizations, secular or religious, by "not talking" about what is tearing the group up.

Talking is messy. Fighting is messier. It is fraught with misunderstandings, mistaken perceptions, inaccurate presuppositions, thinking you know others' motives.



What is the result going to be?  I don't know.  I see the American Christian Church as now deeply divided in a way I'm not sure we will ever be healed of.  It is not just that we have gotten mean to each other in our facebook discussions.  It is that the differences go so deep. The Trump movement is just bringing this out.  We can't pretend those differences don't exist. WE HAVE GOT TO deal with this!!!!

Many Christians not only discounted Obama's Christian profession, but sincerely believe he is a closet Mulsim/Marxist.  Many Christians see Trump and his followers as the flawed, inauthentic Christians and are disgusted by that "brand" of Christianity.  People will try to say, "Let's just hang onto what we have in common, that Jesus died for us,"  But following Jesus has consequences. Some believe those consequences include loyalty to your Christian countriy's foundations, and some question those foundations and view Christianity as supra-national---beyond national.

I could go on and on about the differences.  We will see this continue to unfold in the months and years to come, as one vision of America's "greatness" is built into our national culture and laws.  I don't think it is wise to "not talk about it" to maintain the peace, as we all boil within, holding back our explosion. (Although, I think our current leader and those who support him would be fine with our being afraid to question the things he does---Hmm That reminds me of many churches, where you can't challenge or question the leadership too strongly. Also reminds me of Kim Jung Un and others like him.)

I think that, despite the shame and embarrassment of the public "family fight," to not bring these differences out would be like a family covering up all sorts of dysfunctions, pretending "everything is alright."  Often in our Christian circles, we think that "the world" will see us fighting and be disgusted and not come to Jesus because of the way we are acting.  That may be partially true, but, wake up, Church--the world is more savvy about human nature than we give them credit for.  They can see a fake a mile away, and when we are pretending all is "peaceful," they can see the steam coming out of our ears!

I think we have to let this out. Let it come out about where our hearts really are!
One thing I will warn,  whatever type of Christian we may be.  If it turns out that we start jailing the type of Christian we don't want to be, we will know at that point that we are not the real deal!!!!

(what about preservation of the Union?  What about a persecution that will bring us all together?  Will that happen? Or will one brand of Christian take over and put the members of the other brand in jail? What about Jesus coming to bring a sword, and the enemies of someone being even in their own household?)